Thursday 25 November 2010

Questionnaires for my target market

To research into my target market, I used a series of different methods. The first method I used was to give out questionnaires to the age range I have mentioned for my target market and gave it out to a sample of 10 people. This is a draft of the questions I have given out:

[Please click here to view]

Here are a few of the ones i got given back:


The variety of answers:

Do you regularly buy a magazine?
Yes 8 No 2

If yes, how often?
Daily 0 Weekly 5 Monthly 3 Other 2

Genres of magazine purchased:
Fashion 4 Sport 1 Technology 1 Gossip 2 Other 1

What name do you prefer for a music magazine?
Saint 6 Muse 4 The Beat 0 Other 0

What different aspects of a magazine draws you towards it?
  • The fonts and colours
  • The cover
  • Genre
  • Images on the front
  • Design throughout the magazine
  • The tidiness
  • The models
What tends to put you off buying a magazine?
  • Horrible layout
  • Price
  • The busyness of the pages
  • Tacky design
  • Content which is irrelavant to my interests
  • Bad Colour scheme
  • Amateur look
  • Adverts
  • Boring articles
  • Colourless, boring
  • Bad presentation
  • Too focused on one topic
  • Too repetitive
What colours would you expect if you were to buy a music magazine?
  • Bold colours
  • Retro colours
  • Bright colours
  • Blacks, dark colours but with vibrant colours (majority of vote)

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