Sunday 14 November 2010

The main points I have gathered from analysing music magazines that I need to add to my music magazine to suit my target audience are:


  • The language has to have connotations of the genre of music I am aiming my music magazine to be.
  • However, the language is fun and exciting, making you want to pick it up
  • Usage of bold and varying text sizes reinforce effects drawn from the language chosen and make the magazine look eye-catching
  • Boldness and italics also make the particular words chosen with the effect stand out to enhance what they are saying
  • The colours of the fonts are very important as they have connotations of what the target audience is. If, for instance, I chose pink and white as a colour scheme, it would automatically attract females as the colours are feminine and girly
  • Short and punchy headlines need to be used - nothing long otherwise it is too much to read and they need to stay interested
  • Bold effects and the convention of having large font on a magazine front cover are implemented in order to attract the audience
  • Lastly, puns are often used to allow the reader to think and relates to other topics, too.
  • Most likely a high profile music magazine company will have produced this magazine
  • Companies such as Kerrang, Q and NME often have tv channels and radio stations as well as music magazines as a way of producing music news and entertainment around the countries.
  • Prices are always on the front cover, usually in a corner or below the title, next to the barcode
  • The audience is very important to consider when producing a music magazine
  • The colours, genre, media type and language will all change with different target audiences
  • Once the audience has been put down, i will need to do some market research and find what are their favourite colours, favourite types of media, pictures etc
  • The musician on the front has to relate to the viewer and has to be able to build a sort of relationship with them
  • They have to be 'in fashion' with the target audience and be a hit at that current time
  • The musician throughout the magazine has to bring a certain something to the magazine which interests the reader.

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