Tuesday 14 December 2010

Making the Front Cover

This is what I started off as:

 I then thought the main heading 'Sarah Jane Parker' should stand out more because that is the main focus of my magazine. I chose pink because my magazine is aimed at women who are attracted to pinks and greens.

My main next focus was to settle on a font. I decided I didn't like the current font I had left it in because it looked too unprofessional. The font needs to stand out and look as though it was made by a professional and wasn't just drawn up on a program such as Word or such.

I settled with a font called 'Polar Shift' which I think has achieved it's purpose of making the magazine look more professional and edgy.

I then thought the right hand side of the magazine looked too bare so I moved some things around. 

This is my finished front cover:

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