Saturday 11 December 2010

Logo for Saint

 I think this would be the most appropriate logo for my magazine because it is chic and edgy, just like my target market. It is also aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

 I don't think this is appropriate because I would associate this font with a sport magazine as it is very straight and upmarket.
Neither this would be appropriate either because I think the font looks too messy and is quite hard to read. However, it does refer to music as the letters are musical instruments.

Advice from Target Market

1. Ellie, 17 - I prefer the first font as it has a great feel to it
2. Romy, 17 - I like the first font because it relates to music
3. Sam, 19 - It depends on what information you're trying to get across. I don't like the third font because that seems to relate to classical music. I do like font 1 and 2 though. However if you're trying to get to alternative rock interested females, I would go with font 1.
4. Nick, 22 - Font 1 is cool
5. Nicole, 24 - Font 1!!

It is quite clear that my target audience prefer font 1 so this will be implemented into my magazine.

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