Monday 3 January 2011

Making the Double Page Spread

The image was put into photoshop and stretched to cover the whole page. I then added the text in the left top hand corner the word 'interview' to make it sure that my audience are aware this is an interview.
Here I have added a big title of a potential quote from the artist's interview. I did this because this is common in music magazines. The font I have chosen is Polar Shift and is the same as my logo. The white box was added with a border which attempts to contrast with the colours in the photo. The box is intended to hold the interview in. The next thing I will add in are polaroid style photos from the photographs I have taken.

Here is an example:
I did this by Google Imaging pictures of polaroid photographs, then cropping out the photo in the middle and adding my own. I continued to do this with another two pictures.

Here I am adding the polaroid to the double page spread, attempting to slant it to give the impression of layering.

I decided to layer the polaroids this way as it is more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.
This is my original finished double page spread without the interview but when I looked at it, I thought there was too much text in the main title and the layout of the whole page looks too messy. I decided to do some alterations to it

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